Why Faith Alone Is Not Enough to Keep You Well
didn’t even realize it until my loved ones started commenting! I share all of this to say that taking care of our health is not just our “I cancel that in Jesus’ name!” “I shall not die, but live to declare the works of the Lord!” And my personal favorite, “That’s not my portion!” All very typical responses from Christians when warned that the lifestyle that they are living may not be conducive to their health or well-being — well, from us African Christians anyway. Now before I get anybody’s back up, I do not say all of this to make fun of anyone’s beliefs or culture. I myself am not only of Nigerian descent, but have been saved since I was 11 years old. That means that I am just as likely to exclaim “Tufiakwa!” at a perceived curse. It also means that I believe in a God who wants nothing more than to see us prosper and be in good health and who has healed us “by His stripes.” I know what the Bible says, and it’s pretty clear that God doesn’t want us ...